Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well went to the Tom's River decoys show in NJ this last weekend... Won some ribbons and learns some things, ate well.. just a good overall weekend..
Had a long talk with a friend about my particular carving style and went to the shop tonight and put to practice some of the techniques that he spoke of... really took some wood off the rig birds..
Photos are a Harlequin that took third in divers and a Bufflehead that took first in class, also took 1st and 2nd in the goose & confidence class with Whitefront Geese

Friday, January 22, 2010


Here are some shots of the rig that I'm working on...
The hen is ready for hollowing and the drake is getting feather groups carved in him...
Hollowed both head and doing some items on these birds that I have never done before...
This is were good referance comes into play...
Going to NJ for the Tom's River decoy show... have 12 birds to enter...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Here is a photo that I promised.. It is a Redhead antique that I did for a seminar this last weekend... I had 13 student carvers... they all finished their bird and left the seminar with a smile...
The bird were carved with hand tools and only took two days to finish...
Doing the hen in March...

Monday, January 18, 2010


Well were getting into the new year...Carving is underway... just did a seminar of a Redhead Drake..(will post photo soon..)
Working on birds to take to NJ this weekend... A Pied-Billed Grebe and a American Merganser..
The Grebe is hollow wood and the Ganser is cork.. The grebe is the finish bird from a failed seminar last year... both float well ... so we shall see what the judges think of these birds...
Also still working on the rig.. actully making some progress...

Monday, January 4, 2010


Well it is a start of a new year... already busy with projects...
Here is a Oldsquaw that I made for an up coming seminar in MD... the bird will need to have the final finish place on it.. but I like the paint to cure for a day or two...