Monday, May 31, 2010


Well, it is a hoilday weekend.. and time to clean the garage... when people say they want to be a serious carver...
Explain to them that youalso become a collector... here are some shot of the crap that I got in my garage... have to make some room for more wood...
I think I through out 4 items... just keep stacking it different...
Now maybe I can do some carving...

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Well, Shop started out as usual... I was grinding some heads and Smay showed up.. we spoke for a while and then he wanted to cut out some heads on the band saw..
I had to make some calls.. after a bit the saw shut off and Smay came to me holding his finger...
He had cut himself on the bandsaw.. off to the hospital we went...
About an hour plus... he refused treatment and we came back to the shop...
He stated " I'll put a band aid on it and I'll be fine"..
Not much carving was done tonight.. but we do got a good story...

Monday, May 24, 2010


Well, it has been several days since I sat down and wrote.. shop has been going on like clockwork.. the guys have been showing up and working on all kinds of items, from Scaup to Wood Duck to GW Teal to Beaver (yes beaver)... we cut out a couple of Beavers the other day when I was bandsawing about 15 projects out...
One Beaver is huge (25" long) and the one I'm carving is just a baby compared to the other.. photos will be taken..
Finished a Goldeneye Hen and a Reb Breasted Merganser.. and just have to age a Black Duck.. Working on carving a Goldeneye Drake...
Also summer is hitting and carving sloooows down this time of year...

Friday, May 14, 2010


Well getting back into the swing of things..
Here is a shot of three teal that I'm making for a hunter of the Susquehanna River... I will seal them with a couple of coats of house paint then texture paint... then they will be ready to float.
Also a shot of a hen Goldeneye.. bob-tail...
bob-tails were made backin the day to save materials and to add number to diver rigs...
Always wanted to make a bob-tail and this is my first attenpt... fun project...

Friday, May 7, 2010


Well back to carving... just had a great visit from my friend from the great northern state of Maine... (Russ Mount) we talk carving and feathers and just overall principals of life...
He got to go to shop night and we had a great time.. he fit right in with the other fellows there...
He is a shot of a hen Merganser that I'm making into a antique.. put the secret sauce on it and now to lay out for painting with oils...
Will have to show some wear in spots.. but that comes later..

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today is the first day of turkey season here in PA... took a day to hunt the mighty bird...
When everything is goes your way it really goes your way...
Got this bird at 6:30am.. 21lbs, 10 1/4" beard 1" spurs... I think this one was the king of the hill..
Never had a bird that close and gobble... talk about feeling up and down your spine...