Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Well... been doing a little hunting..
Here a photo of my nephew Ben with his first goose...
called a pair into the decoys yesterday and we flushed them and he made a great shot..
This bird was a biggin" 13-14 pounds...

Monday, December 19, 2011


Well.. Here are a couple of Goldfinch decoys that I made for a customer...

Made to look a little weathered like they been sitting out and attraching birds to your place..kinda like the Puffin decoys of Egg island in Maine...
These little birds are fun projects... just needed to figure out how much wood to remove...
now, they are done.. onto the next project, a new driveway marker...

Monday, December 12, 2011


Well.. here is my latest... a Green Woodpecker...carved from white pine and mounted on a cedar log,
fun project.. just hard to get reference when the bird is from over seas...
working on some other little birds...

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Well.. here is what I have been up to... my brother said that I should update my blog..
so this is it... been working and doing a little hunting...hunting good, getting not so...
duck season is piss-poor...
doing a little carving...