Friday, July 19, 2013

Well... here is a mini Goldeneye that I made for a show in California... the bird is 6" and floats just like a normal decoy... the class is a trade class, looking foreward to the bird that I will get back...
now onto other items...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Well... I didn't think anyone read this... but I got a request to up date the blog.. (Rich)..Here is a Red Breasted Merganser that I finished.... made to look old .. simple carved bird and simple paint.. eyes are tacks... and there a dowel rod to support the bill...
This one is getting shipped out to a contest... we will see how we do...

Friday, May 10, 2013

Well... here is a sleeping Brant that I made... cork with a bottom board and a pine head...
came home from worlds and rerpainted this bird... the colors were not right... don't know why I didn't see that before...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Well.. here it is.. the fished project.. Kingfisher coming out of the water in Red cedar... what a challenge to carve this...
learned alot and got some ideas for the next one... going to the World carving competition next week... when we come back will start some simpler projects....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Well... here is what I have been working on... a Kingfisher in Red Cedar...
It is suppose to look lie the Kingfisher is coming out of the water... need some more sanding... then off to finishing... this has been alot of wood removal... too much red dust...
the plan is to be done by the end of this week...

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Well.. here is a Brant that I finshed... this bird is hollowed out cork body with abottom board and a pine head..
have not made many Brant in my carving time... think I may make some more...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Well.. another weekend over... here is the results of this weekend... had a seminar at the shop and we made Cinnamon Teal Drakes... had some good students and they carved very well...
everyone still has to finish their birds with some sort of stain... but they all painted and said they had a good time...
Now onto other things...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Well.. here are a pair of Red-winged Blackbird that I made ... they both are on the same base and I model this after Audubon style birds.... fun project.. now I'll box them up and send them out...
and onto the next project...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Well ... DU was last night and we had a good banquet... had 60 pieces in the contest.. with some great looking birds...made some money for the ducks, had a few laughs, had a good meal, saw friends from all over..
The mini Booby took first in the miniature contest.. and the other photo is a antique style Pintail that I made... learn some stuff with that project...

Monday, February 25, 2013

Well... Here are a few shots of a Blue-Winged Teal...that I finished for DU this coming weekend...
we are going to raffel this and two other birds off...Somebody is going to win a three bird rig...working on some other stuff for DU... starting worlds stuff right after DU...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Well.. here are some photos of some stylized Heron that I finished... These started as doodles on a sheet of paper and with the power of modern technology.. they turned into pattern and then cut outs and then Herons... the second one has copper feathers... one of my carvers did that and I thought it looked unique enough to try...
So now onto to other projects... DU is two weeks away and I should be down painting not up here writing this crap...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Well... here are some shots of a Coot that I finished... hollow wood and a piece of stained leather in the mouth to look like bird to make...
now DU is just around the corner and got some project for that down on the paint table...
have most of the ideas and sketches done for a Worlds project...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Well... duck season is over for this season... now it is carving season...
Here is a Ruddy that I finished.. this was going to be a antique..but I spilled glue over the bird.. that it turn sealed the wood.. so I painted it fancy...Ruddy are fun projects...
Back to the shop to finish some more....

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Well... here it is the duck season in PA is over.. ended with not much fan fair... so not we are headed to Chincoteague, VA... get to hunt with my brother and Capt. Artie...
starting to work on DU stuff and Worlds items... also going to hunt Crow when I get back... repaited several plastic Crows and now I got a pretty good full body rig...
Wish us luck... well at least we will get to see some bird in the refugee....

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well.. welcome to the new year... here is a shot of Ben and his first Black Duck... we were hunting the last day of 2012 and we got this bird to commit to the decoys...
We hunted today... and missed on some geese... don't know where my head was on that shot...

Now.. back to the holiday festivities... and going to try and finish some birds up this evening...